Volunteers and officials

Our swim club relies heavily on its parent-volunteers in order to operate successfully. A volunteer role can take place in a variety of capacities—from running a swim meet on the deck, or ordering and distributing apparel, to organizing the swimmers’ awards banquet, or chaperoning during special trips.

Why we need our adult/caregiver volunteers

We host four to five swim meets throughout the year as a major source of fundraising; and each requires a broad base of volunteer support. We also host several in-house races as developmental opportunities for pre-competitive and competitive swimmers. Each family is asked to assist in these competitions, whether in the pre-meet organization or in the actual operation of the meets. Fortunately, much of the work is simple, non-physical, and requires little to no experience. However, we do call upon our experienced families to become trained in some of the more adventurous roles.

Remember, every swimmer is required to have an adult/caregiver volunteer at least once during the season. We cannot provide opportunities for your swimmer without you.

Swim meet officials

We encourage all our SDSC adults/caregivers (and other enthusiasts) to become swimming officials since many are needed to run a successful competition. The majority of volunteer jobs that need to be filled are those of a swimming official and thus we need all adults of the Club to help out. There are also a few roles to be filled off the deck, such as volunteer coordinator, 50/50 ticket sales, program sales, snack organization and distribution to officials/coaches on deck, and team cheer (posters, swimmer engagement.)

An official is defined as an individual pursuing officiating certification in order to volunteer qualified officiating services at sanctioned swimming competition. Officials must be registered with Swim PEI/Swimming Canada. Club Officials Administrator (COA) will initiate the registration of an official on the Swimming Canada registration system.

The first step to becoming a swimming official is to take the Introduction to Swimming e-learning module. This is where everyone begins: you will learn about how a swim meet runs and how to be a timekeeper.

To express your interest in taking the Introduction to Swimming e-learning module so you can volunteer as a timer, please email SDSC@summersidedolphins.com. Our COA will ensure you receive an email with a link to update your contact information and allow you to access the e-learning. All officials are required to sign the Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risk Form. Upon completion of your first clinic, you become a “Level 1” official. Congratulations!

Some of the more adventurous roles include stroke/turn judge, chief timer, starter, meet manager, referee, or any of a variety of other positions. Officials clinics may be offered throughout the year to allow opportunity to continue your official training. There are 5 levels in the national hierarchy. In Level 1 you learn to be a timer; and at Level 5 you’re a Master Official and could even be invited to officiate at the Olympic Games!

To learn more about Level 2 and strokes/turns, visit: Swimming Canada Officiating Videos

Please visit our Meet Calendar and contact the SDSC@summersidedolphins.com with your intention to volunteer. Regular clinics will be hosted to train volunteers.

Our competitive swimmers thank you for your service. Without you, there could be no swim meets.

More Information:


Board of Directors

Our SDSC Board of Directors are volunteers for this not-for-profit sport organization. If you have a keen interest and commitment, we would love to talk to you about being part of our Board. You can see who is currently on our Board on our Contact us page.

Board of Director Roles

Committees and Program Reps

If you are interested in taking on the lead role for a committee, such as social events, meet organization, volunteer coordination, or fundraising, please contact anyone on our Board of Directors.

We are also looking for adults/caregivers to be Program Reps to act as a contact point for other adults/caregivers of swimmers in each of the program levels from Junior to Advanced. If you are intersted in helping out, please contact Barb Yorke